MTI (Musical Theatre International) Player is MTI’s in-house software for playing production tracks for their licensed musicals. It’s MacOS-only, it’s a bit of a black box, and it’s the only way to play production tracks (eg. non-watermarked tracks) for shows. For “security reasons” you have to also grant it permissions to record your screen, access your full disk, and it forces you to close out of specific other applications (the terminal, Finder, Safari, etc.) before it will play anything. Normally, I don’t try to bypass security features like this, but when some software is this restrictive, I can’t help but be curious as to what’s going on under the hood - Also, I don’t have a Mac, and I don’t want to give Apple more money.
This phenomena in my brain reminds me a bit of the Streisand Effect, which dictates that the more you try to hide something, the more people will end up finding out about it. For me at least, the more you try to restrict me from doing something with annoying “security” features and what seems to be borderline spyware, the more time I’ll spend reversing it. But without further ado, let’s start poking around.
MTI also has a web app version of the player that can only play rehearsal tracks, which provides a great base to poke around, find their API endpoints, and see what information can be gleamed. The web app is just React, so it’s really easy to see what’s going on. The lackluster security of the web app is a good sign that the MacOS app is probably not much better, and the developers were kind enough to provide source maps and unminified code (with comments!), which was an amazing help. The source tree is available in ./player
if you’re interested in poking around yourself, but you’ll need a valid show rehearsal code. Anyway, here’s the gist of it:
to fetch show data and track URLs
X-Client-Id: 1b882a3e-747b-4f00-87f9-2b455735203e
X-Platform-Id: 72095991-8343-4c89-9f95-eee6f5340224
Looking in ./player/js/data-graphql/*.js
, we can see a whole bunch of different files with various queries for the GraphQL API. The most interesting one is ./player/js/data-graphql/bookings.js
, which has a query for fetching track URLs:
query getBookingForCode($rehearsalCode: String!) {
getBookingForCode(rehearsalCode: $rehearsalCode) {
rehearsal_tracks {
show {
organization {
You can see a POC for this that allows you to easily download rehearsal tracks in ./
. But can we…
query getBookingForCode($rehearsalCode: String!) {
getBookingForCode(rehearsalCode: $rehearsalCode) {
production_tracks { # <--
No, we definitely can’t.
"errors": [
"message": "Invalid auth token",
"locations": [
"line": 3,
"column": 5
"path": [
"extensions": {
"data": {
"getBookingForCode": {
"production_tracks": null,
"__typename": "Booking"
"success": false,
"message": "Invalid auth token"
Notably, the graphql query didn’t error, which means that production_tracks
is a valid field, but we’re just not authorized to access it. This is a good sign that the MacOS app is probably just a thin wrapper around the web app, and that the API is at the very least probably the same. So, the plan is to:
Alright, let’s get to the fun stuff.
[!NOTE] The SHA256 of the ZIP archive containing the app used throughout this writeup is
. It is also attached in this folder.
The MacOS is compiled natively to MACH-O from Swift (ugh…) and a bit of Objective-C here and there. It’s a bit of a mess in IDA, but it’s not too hard to figure out the basics. Thankfully, there are still some debug symbols present that IDA can load, so we end up with a function list looking something like this:
There are lots of junk functions that can be ignored, but the main one we’re interested in (at least for recovering tokens from the auth flow) is -[LoginViewController logInWithUsername:password:]
(at 0x000000010000D9AA
). Here’s IDA’s pseudocode:
As you can see, it’s a relatively simple callback-based login flow - all the buttons are disabled, a loading spinner gets shown, and the request is dispatched, and then the response is handled. Diving deeper, we see a call to -[RestNetworking logInWithUsername:password:completion:]
, which is the very start of the actual networking code. It’s really just a glorified wrapper in the end, and going deeper brings us to sub_100028BD0
(renamed to make_network_call_to_login
in the provided IDB), which creates a dictionary with the username and password, then calls to make the actual HTTP request. The pseudocode is very hard to read, but after some cleaning up we get something along the lines of:
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
The actual network request is a bit of a pain:
make_http_request(1414745936LL, 0xE400000000000000LL, 'ningis/', 0xE700000000000000LL, _dict);// /signin
The first thing you’ll likely notice is how /signin
is reversed as ningis/
. Presumably, the request is a POST request with a JSON body, but we can’t entirely be sure of that yet. Digging deeper, we can find this method:
id __fastcall setup_restNetworking()
void *self; // r13 removed struct type since it made it harder to read
objc_class *ObjectType; // r14
__int64 platformId; // rax
__int64 clientId; // rax
__int64 productionHost; // rax
__int64 stagingHost; // rax
char *urlComponents; // rbx
__int64 components_meta; // rax
objc_super super; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-20h] BYREF
ObjectType = swift_getObjectType(self);
platformId = OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_platformId;
*(self + OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_platformId) = 0xD000000000000024LL;
*(self + platformId + 8) = "DownloadTrackProgressChange" + 0x8000000000000000LL;
clientId = OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_clientId;
*(self + OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_clientId) = 0xD000000000000024LL;
*(self + clientId + 8) = "13-9820-3727d263e140" + 0x8000000000000000LL;
productionHost = OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_productionHost;
*(self + OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_productionHost) = 0xD000000000000010LL;
*(self + productionHost + 8) = "00-87f9-2b455735203e" + 0x8000000000000000LL;
stagingHost = OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_stagingHost;
*(self + OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_stagingHost) = 0xD000000000000018LL;
*(self + stagingHost + 8) = "" + 0x8000000000000000LL;
urlComponents = self + OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking____lazy_storage___urlComponents;
components_meta = type metadata accessor for URLComponents(0LL);
(*(*(components_meta - 8) + 56LL))(urlComponents, 1LL, 1LL, components_meta);// presumably a constructor
*(self + OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking____lazy_storage___headers) = 0LL;
*(self + OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking____lazy_storage___downloadsSession) = 0LL;
super.receiver = self;
super.super_class = ObjectType;
return objc_msgSendSuper2(&super, "init");
This is responsible for setting up the MTI_Player14RestNetworking class with the header values, which are:
: Set to “DownloadTrackProgressChange”x-client-id
: Set to “13-9820-3727d263e140”x-app-version
: Pulled from the main bundle’s info dictionaryx-device-id
: Generated at runtime via sub_10002B740()
: Set to “Mac”x-device-desc
: Set to the machine’s hostname (via NSHost.currentHost().localizedName
)This seems all well and good, but when we put it into Postman to test…
Damn! So close. Again, looking at the client ID and platform ID from earlier, we can see that they’re UUIDs - following the standard format of 8-4-4-4-12 hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens. Going back to the pseudocode, a few things jump out:
*(self + clientId + 8) = "13-9820-3727d263e140" + 0x8000000000000000LL;
productionHost = OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_productionHost;
*(self + OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_productionHost) = 0xD000000000000010LL;
*(self + productionHost + 8) = "00-87f9-2b455735203e" + 0x8000000000000000LL;
stagingHost = OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_stagingHost;
*(self + OBJC_IVAR____TtC10MTI_Player14RestNetworking_stagingHost) = 0xD000000000000018LL;
You can see there are two halves of what look to be UUIDs - presumably the ends. Cut past an hour of bashing my head against a wall with the pseudocode and I decided to open up IDA’s strings view and search for the ends of the UUIDs. Lo and behold, there they were:
There are only two possible configurations - one’s the client ID and the other is the platform ID. Sticking them in order (client, platform) into Postman, we get…
Yes! This is a slightly different error message, which means we’re definitely getting closer. The error message is now Invalid app info headers
which means we’re at least getting the auth right. Presumably, the app info headers are x-app-version
, x-device-id
, x-device-type
, and x-device-desc
. The x-app-version
is easy to get - looking at Info.plist
from the app archive, we can see:
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
I’m not a MacOS developer, so it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that it’s CFBundleShortVersionString
that was the needed information rather than CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion
. x-device-type
is just Mac
, and x-device-desc
is the hostname, which can be anything for our reimplementation. x-device-id
is generated with this function:
__int64 sub_10002B740()
CFMutableDictionaryRef v0; // rax
const __CFDictionary *v1; // r14
io_service_t MatchingService; // r15d
__CFString *v3; // rsi
CFTypeRef CFProperty; // rbx
__int64 v6; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-38h] BYREF
CFTypeRef v7[5]; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h] BYREF
v0 = IOServiceMatching("IOPlatformExpertDevice");
v1 = objc_retain(v0);
MatchingService = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, v1);
v3 = String._bridgeToObjectiveC()();
CFProperty = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(MatchingService, v3, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
if ( !CFProperty )
v7[0] = CFProperty;
swift_dynamicCast(&v6, v7, &type metadata for Swift.AnyObject + 8, &type metadata for String, 7LL);
return v6;
Although this is a reasonably long function, it’s basically doing the Swift/Obj-C equivalent of:
ioreg -l | grep IOPlatformSerialNumber
Since I don’t have a Mac to steal the serial number of, I’ll instead graciously borrow one from Recorded Future’s - thanks! On the MacOS sandbox I got randomly assigned, the serial number was W80CD98B5PF
Putting it all together, we get:
Incredibly, this works to authenticate! Now, back to that query we made earlier…
query getBookingForCode($rehearsalCode: String!) {
getBookingForCode(rehearsalCode: $rehearsalCode) {
production_tracks {
Let’s see if it works…
And still nothing! This is the point where I assume further authentication is needed - since before, it was only based on the rehearsal code. Let’s try making a call to /signin
with the same body as before, but with a real account:
Fascinatingly, this returns a 500 Internal Server Error
, which is absolutely not what I was expecting. Let’s go back to the MacOS app and see if we can find anything else.
Signing up:
An account can be created by sending a POST
with a JSON body of:
"first_name": "First",
"last_name": "Last",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"email": ""
For some reason, it will at first return a 500 Internal Server Error
But if you retry the request…
It seems to create the account just fine! The 500
is likely a bug in the API, but it’s not a big deal for this purpose… yet. You can test that your account was created successfully by logging into the web portal and looking for this error message:
Logging in:
At a cursory glance, the login flow seems to be just sending a POST
request to
with a JSON body of:
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
But, something doesn’t quite work - it throws an internal server error whenever correct credentials are provided. This bug is the main stopping point for this writeup. So, I decided to suffer for science and try to set up a MITM proxy inside of an ephemeral VM on
. I used Proxyman to intercept the requests, and here’s the methodology if you want to try it yourself:
with a MacOS img/imageroot
to see the request bodycd Downloads
, curl -T <session name>.proxymansession
The session file is basically a compressed JSON file, which you can read using the attached
script, eg:
python <session name>.proxymansession
Then, see session.json
in the same directory.
Looking at the headers for a request in the captured session, we see:
Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br
User-Agent:MTI%20Player/35 CFNetwork/1120 Darwin/19.0.0 (x86_64)
Notice that x-device-id
is not a serial number of the format that we were using before, but instead a UUID. When adding this to the request, we get:
The body of the request is something other than an internal server error! This is a great start - let’s look at the next request in the session, to /graphql
User-Agent:MTI%20Player/35 CFNetwork/1120 Darwin/19.0.0 (x86_64)
Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br
x-auth-token:<censored, the same token as above>
Let’s try adding the auth token to the GraphQL query we made earlier, and see what happens:
That’s it! We’ve successfully authenticated and fetched production tracks’ URLs. You can see a complete POC in ./
This was a fun little project to work on, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I’m not sure if I’ll continue to work on this project, but I hope that this writeup can help others who are stuck with this abysmal software. As always, my IDB is attached. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Discord @n3rdl0rd
:heart: N3rdL0rd